It’s that time of year, the time where you are suppose to make promises to yourself about all the things you are going to change about your life. I hate making resolutions. I always come up up with the same pat ones, lose weight, get organized, yadda yadda. This time I really wanted to think about it, to make some real changes. You see, there are changes to be made.
I am fat, at least 30 pounds, my joints ache and I feel like an old woman.
My house is a mess, really dirty in the corners where it likes to hide. Mainly because I am so fat, I don’t bend and scour like I used to.
So you see I could go with those pat answers, but I also drink too much, 1 or 2 glasses of wine a night is too much, it is the cause of my other problems.
My skin is bad and I look old.
I am also filled with an anger and hurt that I try to get past everyday and am not quite able to do.
I am mean to people, I am so filled with contempt and anger towards the public I serve everyday at my job. I know I am becoming less able to hide my feelings each day. I answers the same ridiculous questions over and over and it is getting to me.
I do need to make changes, I know it, and right after I finish this glass of wine and the candy from my Christmas stocking I will get right on it.
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