Saturday, January 28, 2012

{{a moment}}

Outside my window… a
gray, snowy day

I am thankful for…
a warm fire

From the kitchen…
homemade English muffins, fresh squeezed juice and a husband that makes it

I am wearing…
yoga pants, a tee shirt and a bra (in case the President stops by)

I am going…
to watch Netflix movies all day and knit

I am hoping…
that I can finish my daughters mitten scarf while watching those movies

One of my favorite things…
sweet, tiny kisses

A few plans for the upcoming week…
work, work, work

Thursday, January 26, 2012

And then wine came out my nose...

My sister has lived more places than I have even visited. She's a mover and sometimes I am lucky enough that she picks a place near me and sometimes I am not so lucky. Last year she and her sweet boyfriend moved away from a near-to-me spot to a not-so-close one. So I went from weekend visits to phone calls and emails. 

We spent a lot of our teen age years trying to kill each other, but now we see the worth of the other. Our mother would be releived, there were times I know she was at her wits end with us and our fighting.

I miss my sister.

This week she came home for about 24 hours and I got to spend a small amount of that time with her!!  We had a big family dinner and lots of laughs. After everyone went home we had a grown up sleep over, complete with wine and inappropriate stories.

Now she is gone, but I have been reminded that there is no one I love like my sister.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Ten On Tuesday

10 Movies I Want To Watch Right Now!

What movie don't I want to watch right now? I love movies and could sit and watch them all day if it was an an acceptable way to make a living. Movies are such a wonderful escape from our own lives, aren't they?  There are places I will never go and situations I will never find myself in just waiting for me at the movies.  To have that kind of freedom available to you almost makes that expensive popcorn worth it, huh?

1. Contraband - Mark Wahlberg is my boyfriend and I will watch any movie he is in, even Plant of the Apes.

2. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - Absolutely loved the first one!  Robert Downey is amazing!  When I think of how he turned his life around after he almost became his character in Less Than Zero, I am so proud of him!

3. The Grey - One of my top five movies is The Edge with Alec Baldwin. This one looks like it might be similar, just with snow and wolves.

4. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo - I read all three of these books and watched all three of the Swedish version movies. To say that I loved them would be an understatement. I hope the US and Daniel Craig doesn't fuck 'em up.

5. The Woman In Black - I love a good creepy, period piece. I also think Daniel and Emma are the only two HPer's that will go on to do many great things (sorry Rupert). Finally, any movie poster with dead-eye babies has to be good.

6. Safe House - Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.

7. The Secret World of Arrietty - My favorite book of my childhood was The Complete Adventures of the Borrowers by Mary Norton. I loved it so much I stole my copy from St. Mary's Parochial School in the eighth grade, HELL BE DAMNED!!!

8. Hunger Games - I read all three of the books in this series in the week between Christmas and New Year on my Kindle. I love Peeta.

9. Raiders of the Lost Ark - I have no idea why but every time I have the urge to sit down and do nothing this movie comes to mind. It's my happy place.....

10. Dark Shadows - I use to watch this show when I was a kid at my grandparents house, they got all the cool Canadian channels. I remember it was not very scary and I kind of thought it might be dirty because all the women had heaving bosoms. I'm interested to see how that translates to the big screen.

Now I have laundry to do.

Dinner to make for tonight and tomorrow night.

My house is dirty and needs cleaning, but I think I'll go see if Indy can find that damn lost ark...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ten On Tuesday

Now we are talking! My favorite things to do are inside. I love camping and kayaking and long walks in the woods, but as I get older I find that I do not like to be cold. I blame all those years I spent standing by the pizza ovens at Pontillo's, my internal temperature gauge is off. Once the cold winds and snow start I am happiest inside by the fire.

1. Knitting - Obviously this is something I enjoy year round, but my favorite knitting is done in my chair by the fire with a glass of wine and a movie.

2. Baking - I love to bake when it's hot (that weird temperature thing again) I always seem to be making 3 pies and a batch of jam when it's 90 degrees. We heat our house with wood stoves and my kitchen is in a chilly in-between zone. The best way to combat this is to have something baking in my 1945 NORGE beast of an oven.

3. Slow Cooking - The crock-pot and my cast iron dutch oven are my favorite kitchen tools. A cold day requires that one of theses be in service at all times. We love soup.

4. Purge - Hoarders is an awesome show, but I have felt uncomfortable watching it more than once because of similarities. Then a snowy day comes along and I start throwing things out.  It feels so good I know I am not a hoarder.

5. Organize - I spent yesterday taking all my yarn off the shelves, petting and smelling them and then putting it all back in an organized fashion.  What?  You smell your yarn too, admit it.....

6. Reading - I don't do as much of this as I used too, but I am getting back into it. I got a kindle for Christmas and I have read four books since. I just started a new one that seems like it will be good!

7. Movies - My love of movies has been documented in the past, especially old movies I have seen hundreds of times. There is something very comforting about watching a movie I know and can follow in my head with out even looking at it.

8. Crafts - Pintrest is killing me. My supplies are seriously depleted.

9. Laughing - My husband and daughter are two of the funniest people I know and they crack-me-the-hell-up!

10. Snuggles - We are big on snuggling here and someone might announce at any minute that they need a family snuggle. I hope that never changes....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let's Get Cheesy!

Last year (February to be exact) I was driven to make this beautiful blanket after seeing Vicki's at Knitorious. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen and I had to have one.

I whipped out my squares right away and they were lots of fun to make. Then I started on my striped stripes and I petered out. The stripes weren't very portable because I was changing colors every 6 rows and so the basket containing all those luscious skeins of Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool got pushed farther and farther away from my knitting chair.

But 2012 is the year!!!  I figure if the world is going to end I am taking this blanket with me!

First thing I did is decide it's too small. We are all pushing 6' in this house and no one wants their toes sticking out.  I added space on my striped strip for two more log cabin squares. I have one strip done and have started on one of the squares.

Luckily Shasta is on duty to make sure I don't muck it up....